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The simple mousetrap is a testament to American ingenuity. This essay, written for the catalogue of an exhibition devoted to Victor. Additionally, once the rodent consumes a lethal dose they will stop feeding which greatly reducing the risk of secondary poisoning. However, inventors are still attempting to improve upon Mast’s design-the Patent Office grants about 40 patents for mousetraps a year, and it receives almost ten times as many patent requests! With Victor® Fast-Kill rodent baits, once a rodent has consumed a lethal dose, it will die in 12 hours to 2 days. Simple and effective, Mast’s trap is the best-selling mousetrap of all time. John Mast heeded Ralph Waldo Emerson’s advice to, “Build a better mousetrap, and the world will beat a path to your door” and in 1899 built the more familiar snap trap which received its patent in 1903. Guests can choose from massages, hydrotherapy, facials, body treatments and more to create the perfect spa day experience. Demons with powder and nitro-glycerin attempting to open a Butler patent safe, Diebold Safe & Lock Co. Discovery of a frozen rooster in a Barnes safe after the Great Chicago Fire, 1871 4. Herring, Farrel & Sherman safe opened in 29 minutes with burglars' tools, published 1868 3. Patent Office was formally established in 1838, it has granted more than forty-four hundred mousetrap patents, more than any other invention. Burglars attempting to open a Herring safe, 1867 2. The Animal Trap Company of Lititz, Pennsylvania manufactured the “Victor Choker Mouse Trap” with four trap mechanisms around 1925.